TNO, The Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research, is an independent not-forprofit research organization and has about 5000 employees. TNO’s supports industry and society by transforming (scientific) know-how into commercial and sustainable products and processes.

The expertise group Biobased and Circular Technologies (BCT) (~50 FTE) works on (thermo)chemical conversion of biomass and residues with cascading and biorefinery concepts are guiding principles, geared towards smart combinations of biochemicals and -materials, biofuels and bioenergy maximizing added value. A range of experimental and analytical facilities (gasification, pretreatment/fractionation, combustion, pyrolysis, dry/wet torrefaction, gas cleaning and  upgrading, catalytic synthesis, separation) are available for lab and pilot-scale R&D. Substantial  experience also exists in process modelling Lifecycle Assessment.

TNO's role in the project is to determine the effect of process parameters and process mode on the properties of the isolated lignin using our pre-extraction and patented Fabiola™ process,  explore lignin modification with RUG.