The RE-Fibre consortium consists of 12 committed partners. The project combines multidisciplinary skills and resources between leading academic institutions, research centers and industrial associated partners. Click on the logo of the institution to find out more.
University of Graz
As the coordinator of RE-Fibre, UniGraz is responsible for Coordination and Project Management (WP7) and leads the Material Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (WP4).
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
The RUG brings specific interest and expertise in lignocellulose fractionation; lignin structural characterization; chemistry of renewables; catalysis; characterization of biomass and biomass-derived mixtures to the Re-Fibre consortium.
TNO's role in the project is to determine the effect of process parameters and process mode on the properties of the isolated lignin using our pre-extraction and patented Fabiola™ process, explore lignin modification with RUG.
Universita Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Within the ReFibre project, the group will modify lignins by introducing dynamic covalent networks and adjusting their hydrophobicity and polarity. Decorateded lignins will be used to synthesize colloidal systems and produce resins with self-healing, anticorrosive, and controlled-active release properties.
Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
UMLP contributes in the RE-Fibre project by leveraging its expertise in applied mechanics and advanced materials science to develop and evaluate bio-based composites.
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich
In the project, we will utilize novel lignin-based resin systems, developed by project partners, for lignin reassembly into wood scaffolds to produce high-strength, fully bio-based, and recyclable wood composites for targeted applications.
NPSP develops and supplies innovative environmentally friendly composite materials and products for public space, construction, design and mobility.
RenFuel K2B AB
Within the project, RenFuel will provide expertise and samples regarding lignin modification and preparation of materials, host a secondment and participate in transferable skills workshops, in particular on entrpreneurship.
Innovation has always been the key to BASF’s success, especially in a challenging market environment. Our innovative strength is based on a global team of highly qualified employees with various specializations.
Anton Paar GMBH
Anton Paar will host and supervise up to 2 PhD candidates for a period of up to 2 months each, providing training on the relevant instruments and techniques, assisting in the samples’ measurement, method development, and data interpretation, using state-of-art instruments for particle size and surface charge characterization.
SCA Forest Products AB
Our role within Re-Fibre is to host one or two PhD students during the industrial training period at the SCA R&D Centre in Sundsvall, to provide raw material, and to be an active collaboration partner. The students will have access to our labs and knowledge of wood handling & chemistry.
Bcomp is well equipped and experienced in training visiting students and offers office- as well as workshop-space for two doctoral candidates in the frame of the Re-Fibre project.